3 Ways to Prepare for Septic Tank Pumping

While the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service recommends you have your septic tank pumped every one to three years, several factors determine if this should be completed sooner. The age of the system and the type of solids being flushed down the system are two factors that can affect the frequency of septic tank pumping. Whenever you do have your tank pumped, there are three actions you can take that will help the process go even more smoothly.

Prevent Septic Tank Issues with These Maintenance Tips

There are many reasons a septic tank may not run properly. Overloading the system, using a garbage disposal, and flushing inappropriate items down the toilet can all wreak havoc on your home’s septic system. Curt and Jerry Sewer Service knows all too well the effects of failing to take care of the waste system in your home. With the proper care and maintenance, it can work at its peak performance for many years to come.