3 Steps to Unclogging a Slow Bathtub Drain

Slow draining bathtubs can be a frustrating problem for homeowners. Standing in several inches of water while showering or waiting for the tub to drain so the next person can take a bath can be so annoying. If your tub drain isn’t severely clogged, you may want to try some of the do-it-yourself remedies below. If your clogged bathtub still won’t budge after applying these measures, then you may want to call the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service.

3 Causes of a Slow Bathtub Drain

It’s early in the morning and you’re taking a shower to get ready for your day. All of a sudden, you notice that you’re ankle deep in standing water. The bathtub drain is clogged again and you have no idea why. The professionals at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service have unclogged thousands of bathtub and kitchen drains in the Indianapolis area since 1946. The cause of this slow drain could be as simple as an annoying buildup, or it could be one of the reasons listed below.