3 Industries That Will Benefit from Our Sewer Line Cleaning Services

When your Indianapolis restaurant or hotel is experiencing major drain clogs or nasty sewer backups, it may be time for a thorough sewer line cleaning. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we understand that you want your business to be in tip-top shape when serving your valuable customers. You may be wondering if our experienced plumbers can handle the mess inside of your sewer pipes. Well, of course, we can! Let us explain how we serve the three industries below with our commercial sewer cleaning services.

How to Properly Care for Your Home’s Septic Tank

A septic tank typically is not an issue homeowners think about, until there is a problem. Usually, when disaster strikes in this area, it needs to be dealt with quickly and safely. Although Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can handle any septic tank issue, it would be helpful for you to know that many of these issues can be prevented. Follow the tips below to avoid (as much as possible) a septic tank disaster in your near future.

5 Reasons to Hire Our Team to Clean Out Your Sewer

Cleaning out your sewer line is nasty business, but the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service is up to the challenge. We have years of experience and the right equipment to find out exactly why your sewer line is blocked and not working properly. When you need your sewer line cleaned out, you don’t want to hire a sub-par company. Consider these five reasons when hiring a sewer service in the Indianapolis area.

Our Simple & Proven Sewer Camera Inspections

Are you experiencing slow drains in your home, perhaps in your kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room? Do you find yourself using commercial drain cleaners often, or plunging your toilet more than you’d like? It may be time for a sewer camera inspection from Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. A small issue such as a clog can easily become a much larger problem. Don’t wait until it’s too late. With our tried and true sewer camera inspections, we will determine the cause and have your plumbing back to premium condition in no time.

What Causes a Main Sewer Line to Back Up?

A backed-up sewer is never a fun experience. Knowing the causes can help you take steps to maintain clear sewer lines, as well as detect an issue before it gets too serious. Since 1946, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service has been diagnosing and cleaning out these messy situations. If you suspect the following issues, give them a call to find out how to restore a clean sewer line.