3 Catastrophic Results of a Full Septic Tank

Many homeowners haven’t taken the necessary step of having their septic tanks pumped. As a result, there most likely are hidden problems just below the surface of their home’s septic system. If it’s been a while since you’ve had your septic tank serviced, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can help you avoid catastrophic repairs with their professional septic pumping services. Septic tank pumping can prevent many plumbing issues that are hazardous to your health, your home, and your wallet.

What Causes a Main Sewer Line to Back Up?

A backed-up sewer is never a fun experience. Knowing the causes can help you take steps to maintain clear sewer lines, as well as detect an issue before it gets too serious. Since 1946, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service has been diagnosing and cleaning out these messy situations. If you suspect the following issues, give them a call to find out how to restore a clean sewer line.

5 Signs You Need Septic Tank Maintenance

There is nothing worse than dealing with a septic tank issue. Trust us. That’s why the professionals at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service in Indianapolis want to give you a few things to look out for with your septic tank. Septic tanks are often neglected by homeowners because they are underground and out of sight. But when it comes to sewage and your home, it’s best to be proactive.