4 Signs Your Kitchen Drain Needs a Clean-Out

Sometimes there’s nothing more frustrating than a clogged kitchen sink, especially when you’re cooking dinner or cleaning up afterward. Perhaps you’ve tried over-the-counter products or DIY solutions to unclog that drain but still, there are little to no results. Understanding what can cause a blocked kitchen drain can help you know if it’s a simple problem or if it requires calling professionals like Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. Keep reading to learn when your home is telling you it’s time for a kitchen drain clean-out.

3 Common Problems That Lead to Clogged Shower Drains

Do you deal with slow or clogged shower drains in your Indianapolis home? Sometimes there’s nothing more frustrating than a backed-up drain. Having to wait until the water goes down before the next person can shower can mess with schedules and cause not-so-friendly mornings at home. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we assist a multitude of individuals and families by cleaning out their shower and bathtub drains. If you often have to clear out your shower drain, check to see if any of these common problems are causing the issue.

What Does a Gurgling Septic System Mean?

Septic systems can make some pretty strange noises. Slowly trickling water within the pipes or regular gurgling sounds are two of the most common sounds you may hear. A properly working septic system should be silent. When you hear either of these noises, this is a strong indication that something is wrong. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we’d like to explain some possible causes of gurgling noises within your septic system, and what to watch for when you hear these noises.

How to Keep Your Sewer Line in Top-Notch Condition

If you’re experiencing issues with your sewer line or want to avoid future issues like clogs and broken pipes, you can take preventative measures that will help keep your sewer system in top-notch condition. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we highly recommend that all of our customers follow these guidelines to avoid blockages and have a free-flowing sewer line.

How Can Sewer Camera Inspections Help with Sewer Line Issues?

Sewer camera inspections can be a very valuable tool for locating and managing any sewer line issues. No more digging up the yard trying to guess where a blockage may be or attempting to snake your toilet on your own, hoping to solve the mystery of a clogged toilet. With the technology of modern sewer camera inspections, sewer service companies, like Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, can easily detect and solve most sewer line issues efficiently and in a timely manner.

3 Ways We Clean Out Commercial Drains

When your restaurant, coffee shop, office building, or commercial structure is having drain issues, you need expert assistance from Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. With our professional drain cleaning services, we can locate, diagnose, and remove any stubborn blockage on your Indianapolis property. There are several ways to approach an unyielding obstruction, but we regularly take advantage of the three drain cleaning solutions below.

3 Steps to Unclogging a Slow Bathtub Drain

Slow draining bathtubs can be a frustrating problem for homeowners. Standing in several inches of water while showering or waiting for the tub to drain so the next person can take a bath can be so annoying. If your tub drain isn’t severely clogged, you may want to try some of the do-it-yourself remedies below. If your clogged bathtub still won’t budge after applying these measures, then you may want to call the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service.

5 Ways to Make Your Septic Tank Last Longer

If you properly maintain your septic tank, it can last for quite a long time. In fact, if you are proactive about having it pumped and keeping it clear of foreign items, it can last up to 30 years. Septic systems and tanks can be especially expensive to replace. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we recommend following these five tips to make your septic tank last as long as possible.

What Is the Difference between Drain Lines & Sewer Lines?

Toilets that overflow, shower drains that backup and kitchen drains that empty ever-so-slowly, are all signs there may be an issue with your home’s drain or sewer lines. While you may have tried all the usual home-based methods to unclog your pipes, you just can’t seem to completely get rid of the blockage. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we help homeowners with whatever is ailing their internal plumbing. We have the tools and expertise to know if we should look at the drains first or if the problem lies within the sewer line itself. Keep reading to find out the difference between your home’s drain lines and its main sewer line.

How to Prevent Sewer Backups in Your Indianapolis Home

There are times when sewer backups are inevitable. Tree roots force their way through your sewer line, or winter snow and ice have made their way underground, damaging essential sewage pipes. There are also times when backups are caused due to human error. These can be prevented by knowing what can and cannot go down the drain, and properly disposing of the items that should not be in your sewer lines. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we would like to share ways you can prevent, as much as possible, expensive sewer backups in your Indianapolis home.