How to Prevent Sewer Backups in Your Indianapolis Home

There are times when sewer backups are inevitable. Tree roots force their way through your sewer line, or winter snow and ice have made their way underground, damaging essential sewage pipes. There are also times when backups are caused due to human error. These can be prevented by knowing what can and cannot go down the drain, and properly disposing of the items that should not be in your sewer lines. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we would like to share ways you can prevent, as much as possible, expensive sewer backups in your Indianapolis home.

Advantages of High Pressure Water Jetting for Commercial Properties

Commercial drain lines typically see a lot more activity than their residential counterparts. This often results in more clogs and buildups that you need to deal with, usually at the most inopportune times. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we highly recommend having your commercial drain cleaned out with our high-pressure water jetting service. Not only will this prevent future blockages, but it can also provide the amazing benefits below. 

3 Ways to Unclog a Toilet When You Don’t Have a Plunger

There’s nothing more frustrating than a clogged toilet that won’t budge. Perhaps you’ve tried plunging it, but the plunger is not working. Maybe your plunger broke and you intended to get a new one but just haven’t yet. Either way, the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service has three creative ideas for you to try when you find yourself with a clogged toilet and no plunger in sight.

When Should I Call for Emergency Sewer Services?

No homeowner wants to come home to a basement full of running water or a backed-up dishwasher drain that left a watery mess on their kitchen floor. Unfortunately, this does happen to homes throughout the Greenwood, IN, area. Whether you have a stubborn drain that will not budge, a backed-up sewer line that does not respond to traditional remedies, or a burst laundry room pipe, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can help. If you encounter any of the issues below, then you are definitely a candidate for our emergency services.

4 Common Septic Tank Problems

If you have a septic tank, then you may already be aware of some of the problems associated with a septic system. From roots entering the tank to non-flushable items being sent down the toilet, there are both natural and human factors that cause problems in septic tanks throughout Indianapolis. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we understand that septic tanks can have multiple issues. Keep reading to learn more about the four most common septic tank problems.

4 Ways to Prevent Clogged Sewer Lines

Clogged sewer lines seem to be inevitable no matter what you do to avoid them. From food ending up down the kitchen sink to non-flushable items finding their way into the toilets, there are several reasons your pipes can become obstructed. Thankfully, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can offer four recommendations for preventing these clogged sewer lines in the first place. Keep reading to learn more. 

3 Reasons to Have a Sewer Camera Inspection When Selling Your Home

Are you planning on selling your Carmel area home? If so, you may want to consider having a sewer inspection performed by Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. Not only will this service allow you to sell your home faster, but it will also enable you to offer complete transparency to the new homeowners. Keep reading to learn how a sewer camera inspection can make the home-selling process easier for you and your family.

4 Tips to Avoid Clogging Your Dishwasher Drain

Dishwashers are modern conveniences that have become a staple in most American homes. Many people wouldn’t know what to do without a dishwasher! It saves a ton of time and cleans dishes much better than hand washing. If you experience regular drain problems with your dishwasher, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service recommends trying the four tips below to keep your dishwasher working at maximum capacity.

3 Signs Your Septic Tank Needs to Be Pumped Out

Homeowners don’t often think about their septic tank needing to be pumped out until there’s a sewage emergency. Having your septic tank cleaned out regularly will keep your home’s plumbing system working efficiently and effectively. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we know what to look for and how to tell when it’s time to have that septic tank pumped out. Keep reading to learn more.

4 Signs You Need Your Home’s Sewer Line Cleaned Out

A well-working sewer line, clear of any clogs or obstructions, is necessary for a functioning and effective home plumbing system. When you begin to experience multiple clogs or consistent drain backups, it may be time to call in a professional. These signs, along with a few others, are all indicative of a problem within the sewer line itself. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we have years of experience problem-solving these types of plumbing issues. Call us today if you notice any of the problems below.