3 Industries That Will Benefit from Our Sewer Line Cleaning Services

When your Indianapolis restaurant or hotel is experiencing major drain clogs or nasty sewer backups, it may be time for a thorough sewer line cleaning. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we understand that you want your business to be in tip-top shape when serving your valuable customers. You may be wondering if our experienced plumbers can handle the mess inside of your sewer pipes. Well, of course, we can! Let us explain how we serve the three industries below with our commercial sewer cleaning services.

6 Sewer Issues That Can Be Diagnosed with a Camera Inspection: Part 2

In the last blog post, we reviewed three types of plumbing problems that can only be diagnosed with a sewer camera inspection: clogged pipes, tree roots, and rusted pipes. There are three more obstacles that can cause major damage in your plumbing system if not taken care of swiftly. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we can help you identify these issues with our professional plumbing services. Let’s take a closer look at these additional three issues, and how a sewer camera inspection can assist in preventing further damage.

5 Specialized Plumbing Services for Your Indianapolis Business

When your Indianapolis business or facility is experiencing sewer, drain, or plumbing issues, call the professionals at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. You can count on our years of experience, durable and powerful products, and flat-rate pricing. The next time you need assistance with these five plumbing issues, you can count on us for honest, quality work, and exceptional customer service.

When Do I Need a Sewer Camera Inspection for My Home?

As a homeowner, it can be difficult to know if there’s a problem with your home’s septic system. Usually, an issue is discovered when it’s already too late. The toilets no longer flush, the showerhead is running low, and there’s a lingering smell around your home. A sewer camera inspection from Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can diagnose the exact issue that’s interrupting your daily routine. The question remains: When should a home have a sewer camera inspection? Consider the three occasions below when trying to decide if a septic line inspection is necessary for your Greenwood home.

3 Causes of a Slow Bathtub Drain

It’s early in the morning and you’re taking a shower to get ready for your day. All of a sudden, you notice that you’re ankle deep in standing water. The bathtub drain is clogged again and you have no idea why. The professionals at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service have unclogged thousands of bathtub and kitchen drains in the Indianapolis area since 1946. The cause of this slow drain could be as simple as an annoying buildup, or it could be one of the reasons listed below.

3 Reasons to Hire a Professional to Clean Out Your Car Wash Pit

As the owner of a car wash business, you know that cleaning out the wash pit waste is a dirty, messy job. You also know that someone has to do it. With all of the legal and environmental regulations involved, it can be quite complicated to clean out the area properly. Curt and Jerry Sewer Service has been in the business since 1946, so we know a thing or two about providing quality drain cleaning and waste removal services. Consider the following reasons for hiring a professional to clean out your grimy, filthy car wash pit.

5 Ways a Sewer Camera Inspection Assists with Plumbing Issues

You have a severely clogged pipe somewhere in your plumbing system, and have tried all the usual methods to fix it: a plunger, multiple drain cleaners, even hours using a plumbing snake. If you find yourself out of options, it may be time for an inspection with a sewer camera. The professional team at Curt and Jerry Sewer Service has been troubleshooting plumbing issues in homes and businesses since 1946. Their sewer camera inspection services can help diagnose and correct your plumbing problems.

How to Keep Your Kitchen Drain Clean and Clog-Free

Is your kitchen sink draining slowly? Are there sour odors coming from your pipes? If so, then you may be in desperate need of a kitchen drain cleanout. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we know how frustrating slow drains or clogged pipes can be. Try the following chemical-free methods to clean or unclog that nasty kitchen drain.

5 Signs You Need Septic Tank Maintenance

There is nothing worse than dealing with a septic tank issue. Trust us. That’s why the professionals at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service in Indianapolis want to give you a few things to look out for with your septic tank. Septic tanks are often neglected by homeowners because they are underground and out of sight. But when it comes to sewage and your home, it’s best to be proactive. 

4 Benefits of a Sewer Camera Inspection

Are you experiencing slow drains or clogs? Are you in the process of purchasing a home? At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service in Indianapolis, we believe a sewer camera inspection can be a valuable procedure to help determine if there is a problem in your home’s sewer system.