How to Keep Your Toilet Drains Clean

If you’re dealing with persistently clogged toilet drains, you’re definitely not alone. Many homeowners in Greenwood struggle with this common household frustration. A blocked toilet can be an easy fix using only a plunger or it can result in a flustered phone call to Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. You can keep your toilet drains clean by following the tips below.

4 Signs Your Kitchen Drain Needs a Clean-Out

Sometimes there’s nothing more frustrating than a clogged kitchen sink, especially when you’re cooking dinner or cleaning up afterward. Perhaps you’ve tried over-the-counter products or DIY solutions to unclog that drain but still, there are little to no results. Understanding what can cause a blocked kitchen drain can help you know if it’s a simple problem or if it requires calling professionals like Curt & Jerry Sewer Service. Keep reading to learn when your home is telling you it’s time for a kitchen drain clean-out.

How Can Sewer Camera Inspections Help with Sewer Line Issues?

Sewer camera inspections can be a very valuable tool for locating and managing any sewer line issues. No more digging up the yard trying to guess where a blockage may be or attempting to snake your toilet on your own, hoping to solve the mystery of a clogged toilet. With the technology of modern sewer camera inspections, sewer service companies, like Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, can easily detect and solve most sewer line issues efficiently and in a timely manner.

When Should I Call for Emergency Sewer Services?

No homeowner wants to come home to a basement full of running water or a backed-up dishwasher drain that left a watery mess on their kitchen floor. Unfortunately, this does happen to homes throughout the Greenwood, IN, area. Whether you have a stubborn drain that will not budge, a backed-up sewer line that does not respond to traditional remedies, or a burst laundry room pipe, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can help. If you encounter any of the issues below, then you are definitely a candidate for our emergency services.

4 Tips to Avoid Clogging Your Dishwasher Drain

Dishwashers are modern conveniences that have become a staple in most American homes. Many people wouldn’t know what to do without a dishwasher! It saves a ton of time and cleans dishes much better than hand washing. If you experience regular drain problems with your dishwasher, Curt & Jerry Sewer Service recommends trying the four tips below to keep your dishwasher working at maximum capacity.

4 Tips to Keep Your Restaurant Drains Clean

Do you find yourself fighting with your restaurant drains, trying to keep them free from grease, fat, and oil? This is an all-too-common issue for many restaurants. It’s simply the nature of your business. So how do you keep your restaurant drains clean and clog-free? Check out the four tips below from Curt & Jerry Sewer Service.

3 Ways to Prepare for Septic Tank Pumping

While the team at Curt & Jerry Sewer Service recommends you have your septic tank pumped every one to three years, several factors determine if this should be completed sooner. The age of the system and the type of solids being flushed down the system are two factors that can affect the frequency of septic tank pumping. Whenever you do have your tank pumped, there are three actions you can take that will help the process go even more smoothly.

3 Expensive Septic Tank Repairs and How to Avoid Them

A damaged septic tank can wreak all sorts of havoc on your property, and cause expensive repairs too. Maybe you have wastewater backing up into the household drains or a rusted septic tank is leaking sewage in your backyard. Whatever the issue, no one wants to experience plumbing problems in their Greenwood area home. While some septic tank repairs cannot be avoided, you can practice regular maintenance to help prevent any major disasters. At Curt & Jerry Sewer Service, we offer these recommendations to avoid costly septic tank repairs.

3 Common Questions Regarding Clogged Household Drains

Cleaning out a household drain on your own can be a nasty job, but most homeowners attempt to tackle these complicated clogs on their own. The team at Curt and Jerry Sewer Service wants to empower you with information on how to best take care of your home, including handling those messy blocked drains. Knowing what to do, and what NOT to do, can keep your pipes clean and clog-free.

When Do I Need a Sewer Camera Inspection for My Home?

As a homeowner, it can be difficult to know if there’s a problem with your home’s septic system. Usually, an issue is discovered when it’s already too late. The toilets no longer flush, the showerhead is running low, and there’s a lingering smell around your home. A sewer camera inspection from Curt & Jerry Sewer Service can diagnose the exact issue that’s interrupting your daily routine. The question remains: When should a home have a sewer camera inspection? Consider the three occasions below when trying to decide if a septic line inspection is necessary for your Greenwood home.